Consulting training and empowering senior education teams and policy makers towards the creation of the ‘New School’: 

The I.C.E Learning Hubs: Innovative, Creative & Excellent

Founded by Hezki Arieli, author of the bestseller The Future of Education

Global Excellence (GE) is an international consulting firm focusing on the Future of Education in our fast changing world.
The modern world has boarded a super-sonic train into the future, and yet, schools are mostly left behind. Our fast changing and challenging world demands that schools adapt and modify their entirety to stay relevant. This includes: Pedagogy, Appearance, and Curriculum. Skill training and interactions with the outside world. If schools wishes to stay in the game and not go out of business, they must re-invent themselves, as do all other sectors in society. Preparing children to cope with complexed challenges and unknown realities in both their present and future lives, is the school’s Raison d’être (reason for being). The reason exists now more than ever, but the means must change!

"We live in a fascinating, challenging and perhaps even the most imaginative era in the history of the human race. An era in which reality and imagination are parallel. A world that constantly breaks the limits of human abilities, with amazing scientific discoveries - from the behavior of subatomic particles and quantum theory, to the ability to look into space at imaginary distances. A world where the concept - 'impossible' becomes irrelevant. In this era, we are faced with a daily decision, whether to be part of the producers of progress or just its users. Do we want to sit in the stands as spectators or go to the field as active players?! An enlightened community, and an innovative and dynamic education system, embraces the challenges of the new era with determination and enthusiasm and sees them as a rare opportunity for the development and march of their students and their country forward into the world of tomorrow - the world of future generations."

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